AAPMBF Board Director Elections 2020

Australian Air Pilots Mutual Benefit Fund
Matt Nielsen
Silver Wings
Silver Wings
Posts: 38
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AAPMBF Board Director Elections 2020

Postby Matt Nielsen » Wed Sep 2 2020, 04:59

It's that time of year again.

MBF members will have received notifications from the Fund about the election for THREE board positions.

SEVEN candidates have expressed an interest and been duely nominated.

Now more than ever, the Board needs your participation and support as we manage the catastrophic effects of COVID related policies and restrictions.

Log in to you member page at www.aapmbf.com.au to view the candidate statements and cast your votes!
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4th Dan
4th Dan
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Re: AAPMBF Board Director Elections 2020

Postby FerrariFlyer » Thu Sep 3 2020, 12:21


It is very important that 'we' in the rotary world take more than a passing interest in the MBF trustee voting process. Sure, many of us expect that we will never require the use of loss of licence insurance. However, as someone who has lost their medical for a period of time, I can attest to the absolute importance of the MBF and the loss of licence payments.

Once elected, the members on the board undertake around 1-2 days per month of work related to the administration of the fund, claims, governance etc over a three year period. This is all done on a voluntary basis for the betterment of the industry and professional colleagues. The least we can do is take a moment to vote.

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