Air Pilots Award has been updated.

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Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby Capt Hollywood » Tue Jul 15 2014, 13:15

The Air Pilots Award was reviewed and updated recently -
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Re: Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby CYHeli » Thu Jul 17 2014, 02:08

Air Pilots Award summary table.pdf
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A spreadsheet that breaks down most of the extra allowances. These are paid on top of the base amount.
For example, a second year on shore pilot would earn $49,118,
PLUS $3,113.07 if a Grade 2 instructor,
PLUS $1,366.17 If they also teach NVFR.

It would be up to negotiating skills to improve beyond this.

For casuals, work out your annual rate with the extras as above, and then divide by 800.
For example a casual 2nd year pilot; $49,118 / 800 = $61.40 per hour.
Min 2 hours pay for 4 hours rostered and min 4 hours pay for more than 4 hours rostered.

Some allowances are plus a percentage. For example a second year pilot who supervises 3 other staff is 5%, $49,118 * 1.05 = $51,573.90.

Please double check the figures yourselves, but it is a good guide.
For instructors, there are no allowances listed in the Helicopter only section, but AFAP suggests that the figures would apply from the G.A. section. So this is what I have included.
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Re: Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby Matt Nielsen » Thu Jul 17 2014, 03:18

There's still a long way to go but thanks is due to the AFAP industrial staff who keep winning incremental improvement to this Award.
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Re: Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby Bast Mump » Fri Jul 18 2014, 06:54

Matt Nielsen wrote:There's still a long way to go but thanks is due to the AFAP industrial staff who keep winning incremental improvement to this Award.

A little disappointing that the very last sentence of schedule E (Helicopter Operations) reads:

"This schedule is an interim provision and subject to further review" Kinda gives an escape clause the employers to be able to pay below "the award" IMHO
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Re: Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby Matt Nielsen » Fri Jul 18 2014, 07:58

Strictly speaking it doesn't give any employer an 'out' to not comply with federally protected instruments.

I guess I understand that some employers, the unscrupulous minority, might be emboldened by any perceived lack of clarity.

At the end of the day, it takes individuals to stand up for themselves to correct these kinds of behaviours. Its always hard when you're starting out... especially in this industry but the right thing to do is always the right thing.

The AFAP has already successfully pursued a number of employers for underpayment issues.

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Re: Air Pilots Award has been updated.

Postby Rotorpilot » Mon Mar 22 2021, 17:09

This link has been updated.
Fair Work Commission consolidated modern award incorporates all amendments up to
and including 1 February 2021

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