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Gold Wings
Gold Wings
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Postby chopperdavo » Sun Jun 8 2014, 02:58

Hey guys.
Had a laser pointier shined at my last week just after climbing out at a regional vic airport and managed to turn back do a few orbits over the s#!t to get an address.

How, and who to does one report this to ?
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Gold Wings
Gold Wings
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Re: Lasers

Postby ozloadie » Sun Jun 8 2014, 03:54

Report your c/s and position to ATC (any agency) if they are on deck, or 000 (police) as it is happening first, it's a criminal offence in progress. If you have a camera (even the one on your phone), see if you can get an image of it, naturally avoiding vision compromise to yourself. If you have the clearance, time and $$$$ to loiter, the police will operate their flashing roof lights and you can offer guidance to the appropriate location. (Be mindful of your LSA limits).
Report the incident: type "casa aviation accident and incident reporting" into your search engine and the incident application on the casa page will help you. They will then determine your report against any previous, or file it in anticipation of another incident.
You might try a driveby observation ie street name, suburb etc to establish the locality more specificly and record the information on a separate sheet on your kneepad in case of a repetition.
It would be a good idea to describe the location and runway pattern you were using, what leg the incident occurred on and the day/time here to advise any locals or inbounds on this forum of the possibility.
Forewarned is forearmed
Good hunting!
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Gold Wings
Gold Wings
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Re: Lasers

Postby chopperdavo » Sun Jun 8 2014, 04:44

A search on the google machine revealed the ATSB form which has been submitted.

Flying a Helicopter is living the dream....

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